Bundy Canyon Area
Bundy Canyon is located directly behind the Ophir Mine and provides one of the easiest routes to reach the crest of the Slate Range. On the opposite side of the crest from Ophir and Bundy is the January Jones Mine. The Ophir Mine Ruins are quite extensive, but have been spoiled by collectors. Located half way up Bundy Canyon are the remains of a small mining operation. The crest of the Slate Range contains several colonies of yuccas. (Click here for area map)


Bundy Canyon (April 2016)    Quick view of trip pics
  1. Rock Support - Bypass built long ago to provide access to mines.
  2. Yucca Gang - Group of yucca plants at top of Bundy Canyon.
  3. Wingate Wash - Looking down on Wingate Pass, Brown Mountain, and southern Panamint Valley.
  4. Beavertail - Colorful cactus flower with lots of flower buds.
  5. Telescope and Sentinel - Mine claim marker with Panamint Range in the background.
  6. Manly Peak - Mine claim marker from another angle.
  7. Southern Slate Range - Looking south from crest of Slate Range.
  8. Small Bottle #1 - Bottle found amongst old rusty cans at middle part of canyon.
  9. Small Bottle #2 - Close look at the bottom of the bottle.
  10. Route Map - GPS generated route from hike.

Ophir Mine Area (February 2013)    Quick view of trip pics
  1. Canyon Mouth - Mouth of canyon south of Ophir Mine.
  2. Argus Peak - Looking across valley at Argus Peak.
  3. Chemical Plant - Chemical plant visible several miles to the south.
  4. South of Valley - Looking towards southern portion of Searles Valley.
  5. Argus and Ophir - Peak in background and main mine at center of image.
  6. Water Tanks - Remains of water tanks.
  7. Gap Between Tanks - Looking to the north through gap between water tanks.
  8. Tanks on Hill - View of water tanks and southern portion of Searles Valley.
  9. Rusty Beds - Old rusty beds lined up near Ophir Mine.
  10. Tunnel #1 - Tunnel to south of Ophir Mine.
  11. Tunnel #2 - Another view of previous tunnel.
  12. Tunnel #3 - Third view of tunnel to the south of the Ophir Mine.
  13. Tunnel #4 - Yet another view of same tunnel.
  14. Tanks on Hill #2 - Another look at tanks on top of hill.
  15. Rusty Cans - Old rusty cans with Argus Peak in the background.

Lower Bundy Canyon (January 2011)    Quick view of trip pics
  1. Trona Plant #1 - Smoke stacks of chemical plant across the valley.
  2. Lower Bundy #1 - Looking down at lower portion of Bundy Canyon.
  3. Desert Holly #1 - Small bush with grayish-green leaves.
  4. Desert Holly #2 - Closer look at leaves and male flowers.
  5. Desert Holly #3 - Cranberry red?
  6. Desert Holly #4 - Artiplex hymenelytra is the scientific name.
  7. Gold Bottom Dunes - Looking southwest towards Gold Bottom Dunes.
  8. Trona Plant #2 - Another look across the valley at the chemical plant.
  9. Donkey Trail - Donkey trail at top of lower canyon.
  10. Lower Bundy #2 - Another view of the lower portion of Bundy Canyon.

Bundy Canyon (April 2009)    Quick view of trip pics
  1. Miner's Lettuce - Lots of miner's lettuce scattered throughout canyon!
  2. Lady Bugs - Lady Bugs on Devil's Lettuce.
  3. Mariposa Lily #1 - Mariposa lilies became prevalent beginning at about 4000 feet.
  4. April 13, 1996 - An old entry at top of Searles Peak from 1996!
  5. Searles Peak - Wires and wood at top of peak. It's not clear what this once was!
  6. Mariposa Lily #2 - Lots of lilies especially at top of Slate Range!
  7. Wishbone Bush - There was plenty of this plant along the bottom of the canyon.
  8. Winter Fat - Winter Fat in full fuzz!
  9. Rosy Boa #1 - Rosy Boa before coiling up defensively.
  10. Rosy Boa #2 - Rosy Boa in defensive coil.

North of Ophir (February 2009)    Quick view of trip pics
  1. Cryptantha 01 - This is one of the varieties of cryptantha with VERY small flowers!
  2. Cryptantha 02 - More cryptantha.
  3. Poppy 01 - A little poppy flower thinking seriously about blooming!
  4. Poppy 02 - Another poppy flower deciding if it's time to bloom or not!
  5. Blazing Star 01 - Lots of blazing star plants with flowers.
  6. Blazing Star 02 - More blazing star!
  7. Brown-Eyed Primrose 01 - Brown-eyed primrose was probably the most prevalent flower on this trip.
  8. Brown-Eyed Primrose 02 - More brown-eyed primrose.
  9. Trona Airport - Pioneer Point and Trona are seen behind the Trona Airport.
  10. Quad Tracks - Illegal offroad activity in northern Searles Valley at the foot of the Slate Range.
  11. Valley Sand and Gravel 01 - Fence around sand and gravel quarry with Argus Peak in the background.
  12. Valley Sand and Gravel 02 - Fence around sand and gravel quarry with Slate Range in the background.
  13. Boxthorn 01 - Boxthorn plant ladden with buds!
  14. Boxthorn 02 - Look at all the buds on this plant ready to burst into flowers!
  15. Golden Evening Primrose - It was late twilight when this picture was taken...

Ophir Mine (June 2008)    Quick view of trip pics
  1. Searles South #1 - View from north of Ophir Mine looking south.
  2. Grasshopper - Grasshopper in a bush.
  3. Searles South #2 - Another view looking south with water towers visible in middle of picture.
  4. Searles South #3 - View of ridges east of the Ophir Mine looking south down length of Searles Valley.
  5. Slate Crest - Looking up canyon to the east at top of the Slate Range.
  6. Ophir Ruins #1 - Some of the debris left over from mining operations at the Ophir Mine.
  7. Ophir Ruins #2 - More debris at the upper portion of the Ophir Mine area.
  8. Ophir Ruins #3 - View to south from Ophir Ruins.
  9. Ophir Ruins #4 - More ruins from the upper Ophir area.
  10. Ophir Ruins #5 - Argus Peak in background with ruins in the foreground.
  11. Ophir Ruins #6 - Another view to the south from the ruins area.

Bundy Canyon (June 2007)    Quick view of trip pics
  1. Bundy Cabin #1 - Looking out front door of cabin.
  2. Bundy Cabin #2 - Close inspection of cabin wall.
  3. Lower Canyon - Looking down the canyon from point a half mile above cabin.
  4. Manly Peak - Manly Peak from crest of Slate Range.
  5. Lichen - Lichen growing on rocks overlooking southern end of Panamint Valley.

Yucca Forest (November 2007)    Quick view of trip pics
  1. Cabin #1 - Ruins of small cabin overlooking Panamint Valley.
  2. Cabin #2 - Another view of cabin remains.
  3. Yucca #1 - Group of yucca north of Slate Benchmark.
  4. Yucca #2 - Yucca with view of Argus Peak.
  5. Yucca #3 - Yucca with view looking toward Pioneer Point.
  6. Yucca #4 - Group of yucca.
  7. Yucca #5 - Group of yucca looking down into valley.
  8. Yucca #6 - Group of yucca south of Slate Benchmark.
  9. Yucca #7 - Closer look at some of the yucca just south of Slate Benchmark.
  10. Damon Load - Mine claim marker for Damon Load.

Bundy Canyon (May 2006)    Quick view of trip pics
  1. Claim Marker - Mine claim marker in Bundy Canyon.
  2. Bundy Trail - Evidence of old miner' trail in Bundy Canyon.
  3. Bundy Cabin #1 - Remains of old cabin across from mine operation.
  4. Bundy Cabin #2 - Another view of old cabin.
  5. Chissel - Piece of chissel left at mine operation.
  6. Cliff By Cabin - Cliff just below cabin.
  7. Mouth of North Branch - North branch of Bundy Canyon.
  8. Mouth of South Branch - This branch is the best route up Bundy Canyon.
  9. Old Nail - Square nail or spike found in Bundy Canyon.
  10. Lid Of Some Sort - Some sort of lid found by cabin.
  11. Upper Bundy #1 - Section of cabin just below crest of Slate Range.
  12. Upper Bundy #2 - Looking up a section of Bundy Canyon.
  13. Upper Bundy #3 - Another view looking up canyon.
  14. Upper Bundy #4 - Small tunnel in upper canyon.
  15. Upper Bundy #5 - Another view of tunnel.
  16. Bundy Mine #1 - Looking down on mine and cabin area from north.
  17. Bundy Mine #2 - Rock wall above tunnels.
  18. Bundy Mine #3 - Looking down canyon from mouth of tunnel.
  19. Bundy Mine #4 - View inside one of the tunnels.
  20. Quartz Slab #1 - Large quartz slab near mines.
  21. Quartz Slab #2 - Large quartz slab as seen from below.
  22. View North From Cabin - Mining area from cabin.
  23. Gold Bottom Dunes View - Zooming in on dunes from Bundy Canyon.
  24. View Into Searles Valley - Looking across valley from part way up Bundy Canyon.
  25. Hoof Print - Print in dried mud at top crest of Slate Range.
  26. Mine Claim Marker - Claim marker at crest of Slates.
  27. Two Claim Markers - Two claim markers.
  28. Paw Print - Print left in dried mud at top of range above canyon.
  29. Paws in Mud - More paw prints.
  30. Cliff Goldenbush #1 - Flowers of goldenbush.
  31. Cliff Goldenbush #2 - Bee on flower.
  32. Cliff Goldenbush #3 - Bee with full pollen sack.
  33. Cliff Goldenbush #4 - Whole bush view of plant.
  34. Rock Overlook - Looking into Searles Valley from overlook above cabin.

Ophir Area (May 2006)    Quick view of trip pics
  1. Mine Claim #1 - Claim Marker
  2. Mine Claim #2 - Another Claim Marker
  3. Mine Tunnel - Inside Tunnel
  4. Wash and Slates - Wash with Slates in background
  5. Tunnel To South - Mine tunnel entrance
  6. Trona Plant - A view of the Trona Plant from across the lake.
  7. Lucky Penny Claim Paper - Notice of Location.
  8. Lucky Penny Claim Marker - Pile or rocks marking claim.
  9. Cave (far view) - Hole in rock just above Ophir Mine area.
  10. Cave (close view) - Looking at mouth of cave.
  11. Cave (inside view) - Inside cave.
  12. Cave (looking south) - Looking south from mouth of cave.
  13. Panamint View - Looking down into valley east side of Slate Range.
  14. Searles Valley - Looking down canyon into hazy Searles Valley.
  15. Tree Yucca #1 - Small forest of tree yuccas.
  16. Tree Yucca #2 - Several tree yucca plants.
  17. Tree Yucca #3 - Looking up at tree yuccas on crest of Slate Range.
  18. Tree Yucca #4 - Manly Peak poking up in the background.
  19. Tree Yucca #5 - Another group of tree yucca plants.
  20. Tree Yucca #6 - Looking to northwest with Argus Range in background.
  21. Slate #1 - Slate highpoint.
  22. Slate #2 - Another view of pile of rocks at top of peak.
  23. Slate #3 - Yet another view of rock pile.
  24. Survey Marker - Benchmark at top of peak.
  25. Ophir Mine #1 - Tunnels built into hillside
  26. Ophir Mine #2 - Remains of water storage tanks
  27. Ophir Mine #3 - Trench dug into hilltop
  28. Ophir Mine #4 - Vertical shaft and remains of structures
  29. Ophir Mine #5 - Tunnel and tailings
  30. Ophir Mine #6 - View From Ridge To The South
  31. Ophir Mine #7 - Another View From The South
  32. Ophir Mine #8 - Closer View From The South
  33. Ophir Mine #9 - Another Closer View From The South
  34. Valley Wells - View of Valley Wells from east.

January Jones (May 2006)    Quick view of trip pics
  1. January Jones Rock - Mine name spray-painted on rock.
  2. Tunnel - Tunnel at mine site.
  3. January Marker - Marker near January Jones Mine.
  4. January Jones #1 - Upper mine tailings.
  5. January Jones #2 - Another view of tailings.
  6. January Jones #3 - Steep slope and mine tunnel.
  7. Goler Wash - View across valley towards mouth of Goler Wash.
  8. January Jones Canyon - View of January Jones Canyon from the top.
  9. Area Map - Map of area with mine sites circled.
  10. Rock With Hole - Rock with hole through middle.
  11. Briggs Claim #1 - Fragment of Briggs mine claim.
  12. Briggs Claim #2 - Closer look at fragment.
  13. Briggs Claim #3 - Names on mine claim.
  14. Briggs Claim #4 - Second view of names.
  15. Briggs Claim #5 - Another view of claim paper.
  16. Briggs Claim #6 - Redundant view of names.
  17. Briggs Claim #7 - Close view of date.
  18. Briggs Claim #8 - Stack of rocks and rusty can.
  19. Briggs Claim #9 - Another view of rocks and can.
  20. Gold Slug Claim #1 - Map of mine claims.
  21. Gold Slug Claim #2 - Badly deteriorated paper.
  22. Gold Slug Claim #3 - Another view of map.
  23. Gold Slug Claim #4 - Redundant view of diagram.
  24. Gold Slug Claim #5 - Can inside stack of rocks.
  25. Gold Slug Claim #6 - Another view of rocks and can.
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